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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Hundley

Introducing Me to You

pen sitting on an open notebook or journal
pen and notebook

Hi my name is Danielle Hundley and I’m a Product Manager based in New York City. I’ve always been interested in writing from my own personal diary with a lock and key to the LiveJournal I kept active for many years even after it was cool. (Don’t worry, I’ve deleted all the evidence of that!)

Let me share a bit about myself. I started my career in customer experience/client management roles before I moved over to product management a little over a year ago. While the switch has been challenging, it has also been incredibly rewarding. I get to own more of the problem solving earlier on in the customer journal versus being in a largely reactive role like customer support.

Outside of work, I love reading, constantly learning on my own, traveling, taking photographs, and volunteering. It can be said I always have a book or camera with me wherever I go.

My goal for this blog is to write about my professional career as I level up, share my thoughts on product management, share any projects I’m working on, and review books and products in tech space. Mostly, I want document my career in hopes of keeping a record for myself but also to help anyone who has been in my shoes. I think writing can be a bridge in connecting people who may never have crossed paths. I hope to learn as much as I hope to teach others.

Happy reading!

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